November 1, 2016

This year has been a terrific example of the benefits of Price Flex for growers. Price Flex is a private insurance product for producers of corn, soybeans, wheat or cotton and according to a new video featuring Scott Silveus, president of Silveus Insurance Group, Price Flex gives farmers additional flexibility to manage price-risk challenges.

A complement to traditional Revenue Protection or Areas Risk Protection crop insurance, Price Flex can be purchased 18 months before harvest with no out-of-pocket cost until next harvest. Farmers buy one or more alternative price discovery periods (intervals of 15 or 30-days throughout the year) and the highest is used to establish the revenue guarantee for loss purposes.

Silveus says this year many growers locked in February prices that were not very favorable for corn and soy beans because they were getting very close to or below cost of production. So they weren’t using insurance to lock in prices as in other years. But growers with Price Flex who purchased some spring and summer intervals, were able to lock in price rallies.

“For example, we started out well below $4, at $3.86, for corn,” Silveus explains. “If you bought the June interval, the two-week intervals gave us the opportunity for a $4.31 price. That is a tremendous jump – you’re jumping over 40 cents on your guarantee for your insurance. And that translates to a lot of money at loss time, especially if your yields are a little bit above average, average, or not too much below average. You’re getting that full value.”

Price Flex has been approved by the State Department of Insurance in many states, although not all crops or counties will be eligible in every state. Please consult with your agent at Silveus Insurance Group regarding the availability of this product for your particular crop and county combination.

Contact Silveus Insurance Group for more information about Price Flex, click here to view our new video, or visit the Price Flex product page on our website.