Annual Forage
The Annual Forage (AF) insurance plan is designed to meet the needs of producers planting annual forage crops for use such as livestock feed or fodder. AF intended uses include but are not limited to grazing, haying, grazing/haying, grain/grazing, green chop, grazing/green chop, silage, or earlage. Premiums are not valued by the intended use.
AF is based on rainfall index data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center. With AF, producers are able to insure annual forage production value by dividing their liability across a series of two-month intervals and insuring based on the Expected Grid Index representing the average precipitation data for the Grid ID. Each grid has a historic precipitation index calculated for it for each of the two month intervals dating back to 1948. The policy is designed to insure both irrigated and non-irrigated acres.