Cover Your Hive
Apiculture is a federal insurance product that provides a safety net for beekeepers’ primary income sources.
Apiculture Insurance
The Risk Management Agency’s (RMA) Apiculture Pilot Insurance Program (API) provides a safety net for beekeepers’ primary income sources: honey, pollen collection, wax, and breeding stock. Apiculture systems consist of different types of plants or crops and often contain mixtures of different species, each with different growth habits and seasons, precipitation requirements, and other climate conditions necessary to maintain plant growth over extended periods of time. API was designed to provide maximum flexibility to cover these diverse situations.
The Rainfall Index uses National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center (NOAA CPC) data, which utilizes a grid system. Each grid is 0.25 degrees in latitude by 0.25 degrees in longitude, which translates to approximately 17 by 17 miles at the equator. Colonies will be assigned to one or more grids based on the location to be insured. The program is available in the 48 contiguous states.
Sales Closing Date:
December 1
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The information contained herein is not an offer to sell insurance. No binder, insurance policy, change, addition, and/or deletion to insurance coverage will be effective unless and until confirmed directly with a licensed agent. Please note any proposal of insurance we may present to you will be based upon the values developed and exposures to loss disclosed to us by you. All coverages are subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the actual policy issued. Not all policies or coverages may be available in every state.