Chris McCray
  • (574) 453-7478

Chris McCray graduated from High School in 1997. He attended Pensacola Junior College in Florida for two years before moving back to Indiana in 1999 to attend Grace College. In 2000 Chris decided to join his “Uncle Steve” at the Silveus Insurance Group. Since joining SIG, Chris has established himself as an extremely valuable member of the SIG team. In 2003, Chris played an instrumental role in developing the equation that led to the harvest revenue option (HRO) being added to GRIP. GRIP-HRO is now the newest and fastest growing form of federally subsidized crop insurance.

Chris’s ability to meet and exceed client expectation along with his intimate knowledge of the federal crop insurance program has enabled him to become one of the largest individual crop insurance agents in the country. Chris is licensed to sell insurance in 19 states from North Dakota to Florida and currently works with customers in 15 of those states. Chris and his wife Sarah have two daughters, Claudia and Kendall, and a son, Cohen. In his spare time Chris enjoys hunting, fishing and watching his Father-in-Law coach the Grace College Men’s Basketball team.

Get to know Chris in his Meet The Team feature!   SIG-Button-LearnMore