Jacob Johnson
  • (574) 267-4042

Jacob Johnson lives in Wilson, North Carolina and works primarily in eastern NC. He helps farmers navigate the ever-changing world of agriculture risk in an area that is also in the process of changing what they grow and how they grow it. Using federally subsidized and private crop insurance products, Jacob works tirelessly to make sure his growers are aware of where their risk lies and ways to alleviate that risk while maintaining a profit under ever-increasing tight margins.

Jacob has been a crop insurance agent for three years now and has worked with farmers that grow tobacco, cantaloupes, and everything in between. Jacob was a crop adjuster for over ten years before becoming an agent, working for companies such as ADM, Climate Corp, and NAU. It was as an adjuster that Jacob really developed a heart and desire for helping NC farmers. Due to his (literal) time on the ground, Jacob has a perspective and understanding of crop insurance that few can offer.

Jacob has a wife named Becky to whom he’s been married for 13 years. They have three children, Clark, Addie, and Clay. Like any family with three young children, Jacob and Becky find themselves very busy with church, school, and sports but consider themselves blessed to be that busy with three healthy children. Since Becky is a public school librarian and has summers off, they try to relax (and stay cool) by getting to the beach and to the pool as often as possible!