Meet Guy Brockman

March 17, 2016

Where is your hometown and did you grow up around farming?

I grew up in Lazbuddie, Texas in the Western Texas Panhandle.  I am blessed to come from a fourth generation farm family. I farmed 2,000 irrigated acres and ran a 1,500 head feed yard. So agriculture has been in my blood since birth!

What are your clients asking you about today?

My farmers are very concerned about the narrow operating margins. They want a way to guarantee revenue in these trying times. Whole Farm Revenue and all the new RP products are what they want to know about.

What is your approach to customer service?

My approach is to help all of our customers get the most revenue they can possibly get, from every acre of farmland. When working with potential customers I like to go back and dissect their APH databases and make sure we are maximizing their coverage.  It is amazing how many times a producer’s APH is completely inaccurate. A farmer’s APH is the estimated amount of revenue a farmer can receive.

How long have you been working at SIG and what do you like best about your job?

While I was farming, Cameron Silveus was my agent.  He took good care of me and had very unique insurance products that no other local agent was selling. This motivated me to work at Silveus Insurance Group. I have been working at SIG for six years now.  I like helping producers maximize their operations. I really enjoy when I introduce a new product that fits well with what a producer wants to achieve.

What are you most excited about?

I’m ready to get to work and to help producers navigate these rough waters that lie ahead in 2016.

What is one fun fact about yourself your co-workers don’t know? 

I love practical jokes. I have really gotten some good ones on some fellas!  So stay alert!