“The software lets you look in the profit matrix. There are so many options out there I would not be able to figure out what to choose on my own.” – David L.

David L. can’t imagine trying to navigate the world of federal and private crop insurance options without Silveus Insurance Group (SIG) technology to assist his choice. As crop insurance becomes more complicated, he relies on SIG to help him evaluate the growing number of products.

“Most companies will offer some private products, but they might only work with one or two – so they don’t have the array of choices, plus the innovative technology to help me make a decision,” said David L.

His family has a long history with SIG. David’s father worked with SIG before he was born and the family has stayed with them through the years.
He adds, “When any one asks I tell them how happy with them we are. They innovate private products, they are knowledgeable, and they have a presence in Washington to look out for our interests.”

Click here to contact Silveus Insurance Group, or stop by our booth and meet members of the Silveus Insurance team at an upcoming farm show.

The information contained herein is not an offer to sell insurance. No binder, insurance policy, change, addition, and/or deletion to insurance coverage will be effective unless and until confirmed directly with a licensed agent. Please note any proposal of insurance we may present to you will be based upon the values developed and exposures to loss disclosed to us by you. All coverages are subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the actual policy issued. Not all policies or coverages may be available in every state.