GuaRAINteed is a weather index product which protects against lack of rainfall during the selected interval. Growers are paid for lost inches of rainfall during the growing season. Growers elect the Grids, Intervals, Coverage Amounts, and Levels.<\/p>\n<\/div>
100% of Avg
\n90% of Avg
\n80% of Avg
\n70% of Avg
\n60% of Avg
\nDaily Precipitation values are capped at 2.50\u201d<\/p>\n
Mar-May (2\/15)
\nApr-Jun (3\/15)
\nMay-Jul (4\/15)
\nJun-Aug (4\/15)
\n\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bJul-Sep (4\/15)<\/p>\n<\/div>